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The Big Apple Has Homelessness—Not Just Dreams and Rich Lifestyles
By Terri Daniels on September 28, 2021

NYC is experiencing a housing crisis, with those who identify as LGBTQIA+ being most impacted. New York...

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Ableism is a racial justice issue
By K. A. on July 21, 2021

A truly equitable world means the needs of disabled people are not only considered, but prioritized.

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Centering Critical Race Theory in the Fight for Justice this Juneteenth
By Aliya Brown on June 18, 2021

100 Years Later, We Have Yet to Reckon with Our Darkest Moments This Juneteenth, we must put pressure on...

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Our Statement On The Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict
By Common Justice Staff on April 20, 2021

The harm that took George Floyd away from his family and community cannot be repaired by our current...

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Our Statement on Violence, Mass Shootings, and Condemning Asian Hate
By Common Justice Staff on March 24, 2021

We must, and can, take action to address racism and mass violence in our country. We can no longer be...

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New Administration, Same 401-Year-Old Problem.
By Common Justice Staff on February 2, 2021

Addressing white supremacist violence means dismantling the systems that permit it – police and prisons.

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