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Alice Hamblett

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All Posts from Alice Hamblett

Common Justice 2024 Legislative Priority Spotlight: The Youth Justice & Opportunities Act
By Alice Hamblett on May 7, 2024

Black and brown youth across New York State are disproportionately policed, arrested, and incarcerated....

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Common Justice 2024 Legislative Priority Spotlight: The Treatment Not Jail Act
By Alice Hamblett on March 22, 2024

Prisons and jails have and will continue to fail to keep us safe. Instead, they foster violence and...

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Common Justice Reflects on Governor Kathy Hochul’s FY 2025 Executive Budget Proposal
By Alice Hamblett on February 7, 2024

Each year, the Governor’s proposed budget sets the tone for several months of negotiations in Albany....

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Medical Neglect in New York City Jails and the Case for Decarceration
By Alice Hamblett on November 14, 2022

New York City’s jail system has recently received national attention for its abhorrent conditions and...

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